Saturday, October 14, 2006

WADAS Binge Hiking

New probationary members Jo and Stephen were welcomed to WADAS and put to the test on the first expedition of the new season (8.10.06 - Absentees: nil), passing with flying colours their first ordeal at the Swan Inn, Rowberrow. There followed a delightful walk through the idyllic Mendip hills and woods, ending up down School Lane where the immaculate garden is. It wasn't looking quite as alluring as usual, but this is October for heavens sake! The gardener has to have a little time to pull up the remains of the plants and plan for another season. Why don't you cut him (or her) a little slack? He (or she) didn't ask you to walk along School lane and judge them. They could be going through a difficult time at the moment. Unfortunately the Swan Inn wasn't open when the intrepid walkers returned so there were no more tests to be conducted (sadly). Next expedition Sunday 12th November.